Status Update [3/17/2022]

This is the our first status update for the ARS Robotics Program. I hope it goes well. I hope to improve these posts as time goes on.

What we got done.

  • Attaching motor for intake. After fiddling around with the intake assembly for a few days, we are finally got the motor mounted. Hopefully we are at a point where we can leave it alone and work on other stuff.
  • Work on flywheel assembly. I don’t know what we were working on with that, but I do know that we were assembling some frames for something and I believe it was for the flywheel. Sorry, no pictures. I didn’t think about getting any until after we left.

What we are working on:

  • We started working on designing our pit. I don’t think we finalized anything. However, we did decide on a basic concept. We are likely going to make out pit out of PVC piping for whatever reason with banners hanging of some of the sides and possibly the top. I’m not sure what the rest of the plan is.

What we need to work on still

  • Code. We need to get our code completed so we can do a test before the competition. I think we are currently waiting on getting everything built so we know how our code needs to function, and how we will do input.

I think that is all. Stay tuned for our next update. I plan on writing these each day that we have a build meeting, as well as for each competition we have. I guess we will see how long that happens.